I would like to make a last point.
There were a number of changes put in place by the government for federally regulated pension plans. Those were good initiatives, but they don't apply to private plans. I think we have to somehow make some arrangements within this country that we don't have two classes of pensioners, because now with what they've done with the federally regulated plans is that the over-funding can get up to 125% without any penalties. That's not the case with the private plans.
I think when our pension plans were creeping up to the 110% level, which is what they are at right now, the companies tended to say they were not going to put any more money into that. That valuation was based on an ongoing concern.
When you get into a situation like we're in right now, they weren't basing it on the solvency ratio or on the windup ratio. You can see that we're looking at 30% and 40% differences between those. We have to do something to make sure that this legislation gets changed as well.