Well, had the bill been in place, it's very difficult to say, other than that it depends on just how the assets are carved up and how much revenue they would achieve in carving them up. I think the more important point here is that although you're maybe going to save the pensions, you're going to wipe out the jobs.
What we've been able to do is save both the jobs and the pensions. It seems to me a bit as though we're building the church for Easter Sunday here, doing it for the very remote situations in which it does come about that a company becomes insolvent and the employees do lose a portion of their pensions. That's not something that happens very often. There's a high-profile case in Canada now that everybody is focusing on, but companies are better off having the ability to access capital markets to keep the doors open, to make the investments, and to keep the jobs viable. I think we have to look at the big picture on this thing.