In looking at the benefits of more competition and allowing more foreign direct investment, we have found, in general, that when we look across sectors and over time, foreign direct investment brings two kinds of benefits.
The first is that foreign investors bring assets. They bring technology and new technology. They bring people. They bring know-how to help increase productivity. These assets are of benefit to the country that is the host of the foreign direct investment.
The second thing that foreign investors bring is more competition. Foreign direct investment makes domestic firms compete harder. They make them innovate more. They put pressure on them to reduce inefficiency, reduce their prices to consumers, and increase their offerings.
When we look at the telecommunications industry in particular, there have been a number of studies on this issue, particularly one by the OECD, which showed that consumers in those countries that liberalized benefited from better services and lower prices. One of the things that we certainly see in Canada, for example, is that in the wireless industry the penetration of wireless service is much less than in the United States. It's a very similar market, similar consumers, but 85% of U.S. households have a cellphone or other wireless device, versus around 60% or 65% of Canadian households.
There's evidence, internationally, that there is room in Canada, both on the pricing and the availability of services side, for improvement.