Certainly the CRTC has been looking at a number of those issues. I believe they have announced that they're having a hearing into universal service obligations. A number of countries have looked at that as a way of ensuring that on the lower cost, consumers, through their payments, can help subsidize the provision of very high-cost service. It's a system we have in place for telecommunications for plain telephone, but they will be looking at whether there should be an extension of this into broadband.
Some other countries, such as, I believe, some of the European countries, are talking about a universal right. If the Internet is so important, then perhaps there should be an obligation for the state to assure the provision of such services. The U.S., in their broadband plan, put an aspiration out that they wanted all Americans to have access to broadband at affordable prices, and they are proposing to look at their universal service fund as a way of funding this, while capping it at the same amount. So there are different ways in which countries try to look at the price, affordability, and, as Marta was referring to, how to encourage that spread to happen, the rollout to happen, as far as possible through market forces.