That could really be just about anything, such as a case where someone would suggest to a competitor that they come to an agreement on the price. This competitor could call us. This would be information. We will study this situation in its context. We could therefore decide to launch a more in-depth inquiry. We do not need an official statement, signed under oath. If someone were to call us to say that his supplier, who has 90% of the market share, is forcing him to do certain things, we would study the matter under the provisions of the act.
If we determine that this is a matter that falls under the purview of the act, we would question this individual further, in order to get a better understanding of the industry and its actions. This would form the basis for the investigation. We would then talk to other merchants in this industry to determine whether or not they could corroborate the information. The inquiry would proceed. We do not just question the people who call us, we would question 5, 10, 15 or 20 people who play various roles in the market sector.