There may be a need for some safeguard measures.
Nevertheless, the ancestor to the Competition Bureau was established almost at the same time as Confederation, namely in 1872. I think that it has always had investigative powers, since 1872, almost at the time of Confederation in 1867. Changes were then made over the years, particularly in 1952. At this time it was given even more powers. It was because industry was able to do some things that were not proper. We had a type of system like the one we have today. Then there were further modifications made in 1976 which gave even greater powers to the Competition Bureau, powers that were removed in 1986 by the Conservatives.
That is why I think that the Competition Bureau has enough experience enabling it to initiate inquiries. I have complete faith in them, and they should be able to launch inquiries as they see fit, but with powers that enable them to do the job properly.