There is definitely a concern about the pressures that would be placed on the bureau to use this power and where those would come from.
The issue you raise also suggests a concern that if the commissioner were to undertake a market inquiry, immediately there would be an inference that something was wrong with that industry. And all participants in the industry, on top of having to pay for the pleasure of being targeted in that market inquiry, would also suffer during the very long period of time it would take to actually conduct the inquiry, with the sort of cloud of something being wrong hanging over the industry.
We know that the Commissioner of Competition didn't think something was wrong or she would have proceeded under the existing powers if there were actually a concern that something was anti-competitive. But I think that nuance may perhaps be lost on the public. What they would see is the commissioner undertaking a mandatory review of sector X, so right away the inference would be that there is something wrong with that industry. And that is something to be concerned about, I think.