Yes, I do, and I just want to finish up my comment, because the motion deals with the three items that we want to discuss. So I discussed the Investment Canada Act and the CRTC decision.
The final part, which was part of the motion, was that I believe we can wait on Bill C-568, which is a private member's bill and which, in my view, will probably take, at a maximum, a couple of meetings. It's not due to be reported back to the House until May 12.
So I'm supportive of what Mr. Lake has put forward, because I think the priorities are set out correctly and because there's time to meet the deadlines in front of us as a committee and as a House of Commons to deal with this.
I was not intending to speak for another 20 minutes, but if people want me to I certainly can.
Those are my comments based on the motion that is in front of us.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.