That's one of the big issues. When this whole issue first came up, it was nothing to do with usage-based business, but Bell in effect wanted to restrict people who were point-to-point users, etc. They said that otherwise those people would slow down the whole Internet and people who use it for time-sensitive purposes, like making telephone calls or watching movies, would have the jitters, etc. For those heavy usages, we said, well, just a second, surely you don't have to block the whole day--that's presumably at peak hours, etc.
If you use our rule, if you have to block traffic or slow it down, etc.--for the point-to-point users, let's say--so that it doesn't interrupt others, then you can only do it in the most minimal way, the most pointed way, i.e, at the time of highest contention. You can't say that because there's a problem at five o'clock, I'll put a 24-hour reduction in....