Mr. Lawford, as a background to that, the TPR advised the government to take the creation of a tribunal--a competition telecom tribunal--as a further protection in 2005, and that was ignored by the government in 2006.
I'm hearing two concerns. There's a lot of expertise in the telecommunications sector and there are competition issues here, restraint you refered to as price maintenance a little earlier on the retail side.
It seems to me that the government over there has decided to forget and throw out the wisdom in favour of some facile quick-fix ideas that have ultimately come back to hurt them and hurt consumers. They've opened the Pandora's box.
I'm wondering what your thoughts are on why the government ought not to consider a specialized tribunal to handle these kinds of matters. Because in 60 days we're going to be back to the same drawing board. We're going to be coming back with a decision by the CRTC saying they're not changing.