I looked at the telecom notice of consultation that came out today, and as Rocky said earlier, I found it very leading, in the sense that it's talking about a general rule that ordinary consumers, whether they're those of the small ISPs or not, shouldn't have to pay for the heavy users. Again, that's an assumption. I don't know if it's based on the policy direction or not. Our only experience with the policy direction has been that when there is a matter of interpretation of the policy direction, it seems that either the wrong section is used, or the most favourable one to the companies is always used. Whether that means you should repeal it or give direction as to how to implement it more precisely is a fine question, which I would leave to the government or to the other parties to work out, whenever they get that chance.
The policy direction has proved to be a problem at every turn from a consumer protection point of view. The only thing I could add to that is we will see in this proceeding, but there may be some room to refine that policy direction or to take bits out, because it's going to keep coming back to you guys.