Thank you.
Mr. Globerman, I want to drill in on the efficiency argument a bit, because to me there's something different between broadcasting content and culture and widgets. You said that having foreign ownership improves efficiency in the host economy. But the question going through my mind is, what if preservation of culture is not efficient?
The example I have—and perhaps it's a bad one, so forgive me if it's a bad analogy—is that we have a policy in this country of official bilingualism. It would strike me that it's probably not the most efficient policy. Probably it would be very efficient to be unilingual, but we've decided as a country that it's an important part of our culture and we're prepared to sacrifice some efficiency for a greater expression of our cultural uniqueness.
Would you not agree with me that, while what you said is accurate, efficiency might not be the complete picture when it comes to determining our cultural content?