I have a similar sort of question, playing the devil's advocate, about your statement that consumers determine the content. I'm not so sure that has a completely accurate ring to me. I think something you just said may actually have supported my thought, because it might be government or policy that determines content, and not just the consumers.
I remember that in large parts of the early 1970s I witnessed the development of Canadian content in television. Let me charitably say that not all of it was of the highest calibre, but it seemed to me that we made a decision to nurture a nascent Canadian-content industry in order to build up that expertise.
I'd be interested, Mr. Paradis, in your views on that aspect. Do you agree with the statement that consumers determine the content?
I don't mean to shut you up, Mr. Globerman; if you'd like to comment too, I'd be interested in your view.
Maybe that's not the entire picture; maybe there's a role for government policy to ensure that we have content reflecting who we are as a country.