Thank you.
As you know, hundreds of groups who use the data have demonstrated their concern about this, and we think this bill is a first step in trying to get back on track and also make sure that once embedded in this Statistics Act, no other government could go about this without bringing it to the House of Commons. We take this pretty seriously, and we also take pretty seriously that this decision was made as a purely political one, not based on science.
There are bodies to advise governments on science that can give good advice, such as the National Statistics Council of Canada. The way the whole system is set up, the committee looking at endangered species tells the environment minister what's endangered or not, and then the minister gets to decide that he can't list this potato beetle because it would destroy the economy of P.E.I., but it's quite clear it's a political-economic decision and isn't pretending to be a science decision.
I believe in enshrining this in the Statistics Act as something that has tremendous support and evidence supporting how this is better data, without bias, that can be linked to previous data points. I would very much like to hear what the National Statistics Council feels about that. While you're at it, if you wouldn't mind, ask them what they think of Mr. Masse's bill as well, in that I think we do want advice on how we could go forward.
That being said, should this bill pass? Including Mr. Smith, what could we do to make this 2011 experience not as much of a dog's breakfast as it is right now? If this came into law, is there a way of following up with the people who didn't fill out the form? Somehow it's not only me at my dining room table deciding whether I want to fill it out or not; it's also the reminders and the coaxing that is the obligation of a government when it is mandatory.
I would like to know how you think we could go forward, and is there something between now and 2016 that could be done to repair the damage? As well, if this bill should become law, how would that improve the situation?