Okay. We only have a few minutes given to us here and I may want to share my time with my colleague, Mr. Rota.
You also state that the question of data quality...and I think this is coming from your own department, admittedly. The statement reads here.... Was it doomed to fail or an attempt to make a silk purse out of a pig's ear by saying the following? It states:
In its initial planning, Statistics Canada assumed a response rate for a mandatory 2011 Census long-form of 94%, identical to that achieved for the 2006 Census. Statistics Canada has assumed a response rate of 50% for the voluntary National Household Survey.
Short of the miracle that I think Mr. Fellegi has referred to, is it fair to say that what you're going to wind up with, at $30 million, is nothing less, sir, than a colossal waste of public funds, time, and reliability in terms of accuracy of information down the road?