As I mentioned, in the north we have already started. In the south, at the beginning of May we will start mailing out to Canadians, asking them to participate in the census itself. Initially some people will be invited to respond by Internet. Others will receive questionnaires. Some people will receive visits at the door.
By the beginning of June, actually, we should have a good idea of where we're going to have problems and where people aren't responding. We'll then go out and start knocking on doors to chase down the households from which we haven't yet had a response for the census.
The people who are in the national household survey in the north are already being enumerated. If they are being invited to respond via the Internet for the census, they'll also be allowed to complete the national household survey at the same time. So as early as May, they'll be responding. Everybody else will have the questionnaire mailed to them in June. By the beginning of July, we will start doing follow-up at the doorstep, and by mid-August we expect to be out of the field.