I want to quickly make three points. The first is relative to satellites and foreign ownership of satellites.
Let me put the following hypothesis on the table. General Electric, which is heavily involved in the satellite business around the world, buys Telesat or a Canadian satellite company. One of my arguments is that it then might have rights under chapter 11 of NAFTA to challenge government and CRTC regulations that would prevent it from giving preference to NBC Universal, because that's owned by General Electric, and perhaps even to Comcast, because that will most likely soon be coming under the ownership of General Electric as well. So even in the satellite area you see the overlap with the others, as we've been saying.
Second, I don't understand the notion that we don't allow foreign investment in our telecommunications business. Orascom owns 65% of the equity of Wind Mobile and provided 100% of the debt financing. The CRTC said that was okay, but you can't control it in fact--which they do under issues like the veto rights they have, and liquidity rights--so the ability to fundamentally control the direction of it. But it seems to me that is foreign ownership: 65% equity ownership, and 100% of the debt financing. Why do you need any more if it's about investment and competition? That's the point I make.
Third, as both of you pointed out with your excellent questions, and as Maureen said earlier, this is a very complex issue once you begin to drill down and explore the questions of choice for consumers and the price we pay. I hate how much it costs for my BlackBerry, and I know from my European colleagues how much cheaper it would be if I had a supplier from Europe. But also involved in there are the fundamental questions of Canadian content, Canadian sovereignty, and our right as a people to decide that we want our culture to be seen on our airwaves.
Thank you.