A minute and thirty seconds, wonderful. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Since I do not have much time, I will speak quickly.
You said two things, Mr. Hennessy, that really struck me. The first being that it is easy to separate the ownership of broadcast channels from that of telecom companies. The second had to do with prohibiting foreign-controlled carriers from owning TV channels. That really surprises me because we can no longer separate TV channels from telecom companies—wireless on one side and TV on the other. Wireless service providers now have their hand in broadcasting, as well.
And to illustrate my point very clearly, I will refer to a Bell Canada ad, which comes from our friend here, Mr. Bibic. The English ad, shown in Ottawa, promotes 16 applications. It clearly offers customers Maclean's magazine, CBC Radio, Scotiabank and Disney. Bell offers some free applications and is clearly involved in broadcasting. It has a hand in broadcasting. Also on the way are short TV episodes, which will be called “mobisodes”. They are episodes for wireless mobile telephones. There is a clear involvement in broadcasting. It will no longer be possible to separate the two, and they will become more and more intertwined. So that is not possible.
Given these circumstances, I do not think you would recommend a division of broadcasting: TV channel owners on one side and wireless carriers on the other. It cannot be done. You can even speak to the Rogers representative, who was here this morning, or to Quebecor.