Don't forget that Google Wallet just stores existing credentials on a mobile device. So any of the anti-fraud services and protections that your existing credit card provider provides to you would still exist. You would have additional security features, because you have to use a PIN to access the secure element on the phone, and then the secure element itself has its own security features built into it. We've built layers on top of a number of security components to protect individuals from fraudulent purchases, probably at least as much as their existing credit card infrastructure, and probably more.
I just want to make a brief comment about spectrum, because I didn't do so previously and it might be relevant to the broader discussion. All of the discussion today—and I've seen some of the blues from previous meetings—has been about licensed spectrum. But there's another component to rural and urban broadband, and that's unlicensed spectrum. It is critical for Industry Canada when allocating spectrum in the next auction to maintain a certain component of what is called unlicensed spectrum.
Today, the spectrum that we use for WiFi, in the Starbucks downstairs for example, was made unlicensed spectrum in the 1980s, when no one anticipated it being used for wireless broadband. It is in fact junk spectrum. There is a new part of the spectrum that's coming available between the TV channels called the TV white spaces—and we can go into more details on this—that is terrific spectrum, and it needs to be made and be kept unlicensed. We can talk more about that.