The fundamental issue has not been technology. Government, the military, and large enterprises have been using satellite communications for truly mission-critical applications for the last 40 years. If you think of applications that move out of the military, large business, and government into the consumer realm, the challenge has been for us to bring in more capacity and reduce the cost per megabit, the cost of a unit of capacity. In essence, that's what these two new satellites are all about.
This isn't just an Xplornet or a Canadian phenomenon. All across the globe high-throughput satellites are being deployed that increase capacity by multiples. In our case, I think we'll be bringing to Canada 10 or 12 times more capacity at, in essence, the same cost. So that improves our cost structure and allows us to price more effectively.
Having two satellites covering areas of Canada offers the opportunity for reliability. So satellite broadband is about to get dramatically better, cheaper, more reliable, and it's all about the investment in this next generation of technology.