It's not a simple one; it's a very complex challenge, particularly among the small to medium-sized businesses. Many of them are only now becoming really automated with their accounts receivable and their accounts payable processes. Until this time they've relied on cheques to give themselves all of the remittance data they need to do all of their accounting.
As you move forward, not only do the corporates and small businesses have to adopt the technology, they have to adopt the software applications. Those applications need to be universal or interoperable with the standards on the payment side. So when they receive the data, whether they're receiving it to an Intuit application, or an SAP platform, or whatever the platform, they have to be able to integrate to all of that.
So there are costs, not only from a financial institution and the industry to develop the standard, but the users and the corporates to be able to take that data, incorporate that within their systems, and invest into that digital economy. So it's not just one person's problem; it's really the industry's problem.