This actually occurred a few years ago, as a matter of fact, so I'll have to recheck to see if we can find that out now. I don't think it was one of your towers, you'll be glad to hear. I happened to knock on the gentleman's door in the spring and I heard about it again, so I was certainly reminded of this and the fact that we weren't able to find out the power, I guess, of this particular tower. It won't surprise you to hear that he lives across from a church that has a tower.
But let me go on to Mr. Bradley and Mr. Lebeuf about the barriers we discussed earlier, the fact that Interac has a monopoly in our debit system in Canada, that the regulations prevent the credit and debit card from being the same thing...although we're talking about accounts here, as opposed to cards, right?
In your opinion, why haven't these barriers been removed already?