It is something we've devoted a lot of energy to. We've recently completed a fairly massive build in conjunction with Manitoba Tel so that we now have really terrific coverage with our HSP network in a lot of the rural areas of Manitoba.
We've done a similar project with Thunder Bay Tel to cover a large part of northern Ontario.
As your question points out, there are other holes that need to be filled, and we are working on those.
In our comments to the government with respect to the 700 megahertz spectrum that is coming up for auction, we did suggest to the government that this is an ideal opportunity to promote rural coverage, because that 700 spectrum is low down. Just the same way that AM radio goes farther than FM, that lower spectrum is ideal for rural areas because the waves travel farther. You don't need a tower every two miles; you need one every six miles.
So we've suggested to the government in our written comments on the 700 auction that they should use that spectrum auction as an opportunity to promote rural coverage and to mandate rural coverage as a condition of licence for those who buy that spectrum.