Terrific. Thank you.
On the first part of the question, with respect to the merchant fees, there are a couple of conflicting trends. One is that the only major change in credit card fees, after the adoption of the code of conduct, was MasterCard's issuance of even higher merchant fees with its new MasterCard World and World Elite credit cards that are even more costly for our members. They're approaching the 3% mark, the upper end of PayPal's segment. So that has been an unfortunate trend on the part of MasterCard.
There was a positive trend too. After urging both Visa and MasterCard to give us the list of the types of all of their different card categories and the rates associated with each of those card categories, CIBC actually voluntarily lowered one of its credit cards, the one that can flip from low-cost to higher cost. They actually voluntarily lowered it to the lowest level of interchange, a move on their part that we appreciated. That was a positive development that came out of the disclosure provisions that were built in to the code of conduct itself.
So there are some conflicting trends on the credit card side. MasterCard is also looking at some other major changes, which we're waiting for anxiously, that may have some positive or potentially not-so-positive impacts on our membership. So that's something we're waiting for—another shoe to drop.
On the regulatory side, the one area I would urge you to explore, which I mentioned briefly before, is that of regulations on IT professionals. Our other presenter, Mr. Cohn, talked about the collaborative nature of a lot of IT enterprises, where self-employed individuals are working across many different spectrums with many different partners on projects, and sometimes internationally. The regulatory setup in Canada, particularly the CRA setup in Canada, just doesn't know how to recognize that at all. It is still caught in this negative spiral where somebody's either an employee or they're an employer; but there are all sorts of enterprises now that are just different from that.
We need to make sure that those businesses are treated legitimately; they are legitimate businesses. They may, for two years as an IT professional, work on one project specifically, yet down the road are then deemed to be an employee and back payroll tax are then assessed on the contracting employer. These are the kinds of things that are just not recognized. There were some earlier recommendations made by either this committee or another that they have access to things like the small business deduction, etc.
So there are some simple regulatory steps that need to be made, particularly with respect to the tax treatment by the CRA, that we think would help a lot of IT professionals who are in this industry succeed.