I think fraud is never 100% solved; it's continually evolving. It doesn't matter if you are creating new technologies or new forms of payment, there is always going to be some sort of an arms race. As soon as you think you've solved it, there's something else that's new. We've prided ourselves as a technology in being ahead of that curve, particularly for both merchants and consumers.
When we look at the number of instances that have happened, in particular with PayPal, they are down dramatically. I don't have the numbers off the top of my head, but I'd be happy to give you a written answer afterwards on what our stats have shown over the last several years.
Part of that is our building up better ways of identifying these frauds. But we're also working with other technology providers. With email distributors like Hotmail and Gmail, browser technology has improved to be able to identify what are true digital signatures, digital certificates within e-mails and websites. So if you click on an email that takes you to a website that looks like PayPal or looks like your bank, it's not only PayPal that's protecting you but also other technologies, such as browsers and the like, are helping there.