It's certainly not a hindrance. The challenge is that we are an industry that tends to cluster, and we tend to cluster in urban areas. There are a number of reasons for that, not the least of which is access to high-speed infrastructure. That is critical. But we also have very good Canadian success stories that are not in urban areas. The most notable is HB Studios in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. They decided that they didn't want to go to Halifax. They wanted to stay in Lunenberg and build their studio there, and they did. They are world-renowned for some of the games they produce.
The challenge is getting over that chicken-and-egg problem. Your developers may be in rural areas, and in order for them to stay in rural areas there has to be access to the infrastructure that enables them to do their jobs remotely.
The beauty of a lot of the emerging platforms in the digital space--the app stores and the online platforms--is that they're ubiquitously accessible no matter where you are, provided you have access to the Internet. So it doesn't matter if you're developing your app in the middle of nowhere versus the middle of downtown Toronto; it's irrelevant. It's a matter of having the ability to submit that app for approval, regardless of where you are.
So access to broadband will facilitate developers actually staying in more rural areas, because there won't be the same drive for them to go to the urban areas.