On small businesses, as you know, we have been the lowest regime since January 1. It's 15% for small businesses. As well, we have our capital cost allowance, the red tape reduction, and access to capital. I pointed out that BDC....
I hear exactly the same thing. A lot of companies said, "Look, if there was nothing there, we would be in real trouble. Now we can get through the economic slowdown. We are recovering and now we can hope to hire people." We also lowered the GST. We have been talking sometimes about the price of gas going up and down; the GST can soften the impact. When you add it all together, this is good. I think this is good way to go.
I hear a lot about this in my riding too. People are saying, "Let us do business instead of coming up with cumbersome regulation. This is not what we want." Frankly, as Minister of Industry, this is exactly the direction I have tried to make.
When we talk about the manufacturing sector, we know there is a challenge there, but in the automotive sector, for example, with the automotive innovation fund we can help our manufacturers to develop new products and find some new niche markets. These are good targeted investments that will help to develop innovation.
What is saleable first is innovation. If you want to be first, innovate, and then you'll be able to sell first. This is exactly what we should continue to do. This is why we do it in the aerospace sector also. This is also why we took that decision yesterday with the rules of the spectrum auction: to make sure we can have the best technology for all Canadians, wherever they are.