Well, okay, but even if the department clearly has advised that, there are people who clearly worry that it's like so many things we've seen in the past that we thought at one time were fine—Agent Orange, or 2,4-D, or thalidomide. There are very many examples of things that we thought were okay in the past but turned out to be a problem later.
I'm not saying this is the case here, but people do worry about this issue. I think they ought to be entitled to access the kind of information that would allow them to make that kind of judgment on their own, which they can't do now.
I have asked about this many times. I have been trying for six years to get information about one particular tower in my riding. There's a gentleman I hear from regularly about that, especially when I knock on his door, and he's a little frustrated with me for not getting it, so when is that going to change?