I would make two other quick points.
One is that allocation of resources is not something that falls within the purview of officials. You, I believe, made a suggestion to the minister, which I assume he noted and will then address with the people who are above my pay grade.
Second, it's not just the federal government. The minister alluded to the meeting that we're going to have with provinces. They also have a responsibility to ensure that citizens across the country have best access. The regional agencies are, in different ways, also involved in this. I know FedNor made a contribution, FedNor being within the department.
Also, as he was saying, with emerging new technology, including satellites, one has to look at how all these things come together, and that's one of the things we'll be talking about with the provinces. Having done a fair amount of mapping to discover who is left unserved, we need to discuss how much it would potentially cost, what the technologies would be, and who should get involved in that.