I will answer the question through giving you where things situate themselves.
In the early 1990s NRCan gathered petroleum data directly and developed expertise in the markets, but these things were at one point moved out of the department as we had the opportunity to access expertise in the private sector that did the same kind of work. So NRCan began doing so in establishing the information aspects. We didn't continue the work of the OPPI, but we continued to produce the Fuel Focus report and the updated information on the website weekly. And we actually use the data, partly from Michael's company but others as well, that provide us information, as well as information that comes to us from the industry, which is provided to us confidentially, so that we can look at the different trends and patterns.
While we don't have a specific office as it was titled in 2005, a number of those functions and activities continue to be done at NRCan and are part of the analysis that we provide and the monitoring and regular tracking of things that we do.