Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, again, to everyone for being here.
Mr. Regan brought up Nortel, and I'm going to bring it up, perhaps, in the context of the Jenkins report, with the statement from the report that says:
...the preponderance of foreign (mostly US-based) investors in late-stage venture capital and buyouts of Canadian firms means that the intellectual property is likely to be exploited primarily outside Canada.
Frankly, I think for me this raises a concern that there might be a drain of our intellectual property, and in many cases intellectual property that was fostered with government assistance. That intellectual property is then going to be monetized outside of Canada, and the benefits are going to be reaped from non-Canadian firms in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Is that something about which there is a concern in your world, that Canada might be losing some of its intellectual property to elsewhere and losing out on the economic benefits?