Thank you very much.
Mr. Page, I'm going to turn to you if I may.
I think what you've told us is a good example of how it's important to take a nuanced approach to intellectual property. In fact, the way the copyright bill has gone in relation to a company like yours and the kind of thing you are doing is that in trying to strengthen anti-circumvention measures it's in fact declawing one of our best resources against intellectual property circumvention, and that is the kind of work you do.
Can you give us some examples of how this actually works in practice? For instance, do you on some occasions talk to Microsoft or other companies and ask, "Can we have permission to mess around"—if you can put it that way—"with your software in order to work on it and develop things that will prevent problems with IP circumvention?” Is that how it works? How does it actually work in practice?