As I mentioned, there are a number of programs and contracts available to small and medium-sized enterprises now that will help to fund or stimulate research and development, typically up to an early prototype stage.
The government has recently introduced the CIC program to try to encourage the commercialization of technologies, but the entry criteria for the technology require that it must be at a certain maturity level and essentially be near commercial technology, meaning that there are really no further engineering requirements for that technology. So what we end up with is a gap, this valley of death, where you can get as far as a prototype and you then have this leap that you need to make to get to something that is really ready for a commercial launch.
So an extension of existing funding programs to allow them to expand their mandate to cover some of the developmental activity further along in terms of technology would certainly assist. There are programs such as the NRC IRAP program or the CIC program at each end of that spectrum that could be extended so that we actually have coverage from one end of the development spectrum all the way through to commercial launch.