No, that's fine.
We have some serious concerns about the changing of the threshold, because now when we talk about the disappearance of small and medium enterprises, these are all smaller groups, but when you get past that valley of death, when you start to grow and start to hit large evaluations, changing from $300 million to $1 billion, a lot of companies could fall prey to foreign takeovers without there being any review for net benefit to Canada. We find that troubling, especially when the government has repeatedly promised to define net benefit and has yet to do so.
Ms. Peters, on a similar topic, of course, we're studying intellectual property here right now. Intellectual property itself is not subject to review by Investment Canada. So if you take a situation like Nortel, their intellectual property was sold at a higher value than all the bricks and mortar assets. One of the questions we're raising here is whether we think perhaps intellectual property should be, or at least be considered to be, part of the review process. Do you have a comment to make on that?