I'm sorry, but I am going to answer you in English.
I think researchers are all a little bit anxious because of this pull, which Mr. Fortin mentioned as well, between discovery research and sponsored or industry-focused research. I'm not exactly sure where that balance is, and it will be different across the different disciplines. Some disciplines, such as engineering and physics, the sort of harder sciences, are often a little bit more attuned to working with industry. We're working proactively with other academic associations to try to also reduce the anxiety among other disciplines, such as humanities and social sciences even.
Once people start working with industry, they see it, in a way, as almost an addition to what they're already doing. You absolutely need a foundation of basic research, with the freedom to explore and have new ideas that no one can imagine. But supplementing that with an industrial application can actually benefit even the discovery side. It provides outlets for the students. There are any number of advantages. I think as people get more and more experienced with it, that tension is disappearing.