Ms. Mazurkewich, the federal government plays a role in post-secondary education, particularly universities, but a very limited role, frankly, with the devolution of education to the provinces and territories. You understand this subject matter probably better than we do at the table. How do you see rolling out a potential unified IP policy? Would it not be more a function of provincial authorities than of the federal government, or do you see it as the federal government, or as a combination?
I'll give you a bit of background. I've travelled to a lot of universities across the country as part of our post-secondary education caucus. I see that wide variance in IP. Some universities don't have any idea of where to start; others, like the University of Waterloo, are advanced to a whole other level, and there is everything in between. They're struggling with it, and you know that, I'm sure. Obviously Mr. Stajcer, in terms of his negotiation with these institutions, knows that.
If we are to make an effort to standardize and to set policy in place for universities, how would you see doing that as the federal government?