I tend to agree on having a standard model, if that is possible. My main concern is to get into discussing the model at the stage where industry starts to take over. The industry has to start driving right from the point where the research ends, because how you fit that technology into the market is key. The roadblock there is that we need an agreement about which industry can say, “We can live with that and we can implement that”. Don't stop innovation there, because nothing gets into the pipeline. If nothing gets in the pipeline, nothing gets out.
Yes, we need to encourage industry at that point, saying that they will have ownership of the IP to some respect. For example, I support a research chair, for over $1 million, over a number of years. Actually, it's gone into millions of dollars. The IP is not owned by me; I have the first right to do an agreement, but the IP is not owned by us, or the only right we have is to look at it and say, “Yes, we will negotiate a licence for that IP”, as a first refusal. However, I think it has to extend beyond that, in the sense that it can be an impediment. We need to take those impediments down.