We look at whether there is a renowned expertise in the university in the area and direction that we're going.
In this case, we're a microwave equipment supplier to the satellite industry, so we look at where the university has built up an area of expertise. Are they renowned for that area? We will tend to invest in that area because it's then likely to result in something.
One of the first starting points is when I sponsor a chair. NSERC actually has a blanket statement that whether it's a chair or a collaborative project, all the IP belongs to the university. As a starting point, I think I would start with NSERC, to have the flexibility to have maybe a couple of models that you could follow, depending on the industry.
That would start the universities off with.... They always say, “That's the NSERC model. We have to have the IP.” That's their response, so I think NSERC has driven some of the behaviour of universities.