I think they're all different. There are some things....
What I'm suggesting is that they take an overly long time because we have to educate on what the next process is and how much investment has to go on beyond just the initial IP. I think the mechanism just takes a long time, and it looks cumbersome because you have to negotiate.
Currently, as I've said, the Mitacs program, which is a federal program, allows that collaboration to happen very quickly. It's predefined. That program can be worked with any university. I think that's an example of a good model, a good process.
Some are easier than others, but they're all different. I took four or five months to negotiate a very small contribution that I had to a university, when it was very difficult to see any value that would come out of that right up front.
It just takes different amounts of time. Apart from Mitacs, I haven't come up with a very good model. Others can correct me.