I wanted to add that in terms of the IP leaving Canada, I believe a lot of it has to do with the fact that we're still in that valley of death. We need funding, and there's a lack of available funding for the companies, so the multinationals see that opportunity to take over a company. As well, the market in the U.S.—or China, for that matter, or Europe or Germany—is much bigger, so the company sees that if it goes with this company into the U.S., it can go into a larger market and make more money.
The impediment occurs because we do not keep those incubating companies long enough. There isn't enough funding to maintain that development to get to a point where you can really see the high commercial value. We have some funding and we struggle along, and then we need to continue funding to develop that IP internally, and there's a lack of it. I think that's also partly why some of that IP leaves.