Yes, but you need to start somewhere. Like I said in my notes, I attended an IP conference in Panama that was hosted by Interpol and UL. They referred to numbers that were in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Because of the nature of this, it's difficult to come down with a scope-out. In particular, how big is this issue?
What was very clear is that all countries are experiencing it and that there are all kinds of devious things going on that you can hardly imagine until you hear other speakers address them. Here, we've tried to keep our issues specifically in the safety area. There are all kinds of other areas that are outside of that realm, but it's a huge problem. Other countries are trying to address this. At this particular conference, as I indicated, there were 60 countries present, and Canada had one RCMP corporal. I said “official”, but I'm not even sure he was official—he was there.
I was there with Mr. Hunter and some of his colleagues, representing my own organization and Canadian Anti-Counterfeiting, and we heard for three days about what is going on across the world. It's a huge problem. Some of the recommendations that were put forward five years ago are a good place to start.