My understanding is that the Minister of Finance has started a task force on the payment system in Canada. One of the areas they're bearing down on is the idea of mobile payments, and what the opportunities, the risks, and the barriers are. As an observer of this field, I know that many companies see this as a new income opportunity: perhaps by assisting you in making an easy, painless mobile payment with your cellphone, a fraction of a cent goes to the service provider.
I know the interested parties include the banks, the telcos, companies like Google, PayPal, and Amazon. I think there's a lot of interest in what looks like a growth opportunity. I expect sooner or later the consumer will be paying for the efficiency or the ease, or whatever it is that gives them the benefits of that mobility, and will be using a single device like a smartphone to make a variety of transactions or to transfer money. But I'm by no means an expert in mobile payments, and I believe that the task force might be of interest.