Simply put, we completely agree. We completely agree on that point, and that's the proposition we put forward to the CRTC.
In our voluntary code that we established three years ago, there were some things that were not included in there because legally we could not deal with it as a trade association. It would have been against the Competition Act. We could not talk about early termination fees among ourselves; you can't do that. But once there's a process in place, started by the CRTC or a provincial government, then those conversations happen.
The key thing is that we're not asking the CRTC to water down any code that exists now; we're asking them to take the highest standard and apply it across the country. In simple words, that's what we are proposing. We feel that having different rules from province to province only adds costs that are passed on to consumers. Let's have one set of rules. This is the bar; let's have that bar across the country.