The International Telecommunication Union, which is a regulatory body but it also looks at broadband for development, has a broadband commission. One of the reports the broadband commission has done is to look at the development of broadband plans. It's more of a document with a few pages. More than 100 countries internationally do have broadband plans.
That document lists Canada as having a broadband strategy. The strategy listed there is the 2009 Connecting Rural Canadians program. If you go to that website, the website says this program finished in March 2012 and there are no further plans to continue. Although there was some money in the federal budget for broadband, it's not clear exactly how that will be rolled out.
If we look at other countries, the U.S. put their national broadband plan out in 2010, and the European Union has a pan-European digital agenda, also put together in 2010. Which countries have goals? Australia is building a national broadband network. I am planning, if the network goes ahead as initially conceived, to provide a gigabit-per-second service to 93% of Australian premises.