It's an excellent question.
I referred previously to the study that we have right now with the Centre for the Study of Living Standards, for example, which we hope will help us answer some of those questions. What we're trying to do is to disaggregate that number and understand exactly where the big gaps are, where the delta is.
Is it explained, for example, in the higher adoption and use of ICTs or bigger expenditures in some specific sectors? Is it explained, for example, by the different structure of the industry? For example, in Canada we have fewer big firms. Does that explain the big gap in some cases?
It's something that we're trying to understand, because when you look at the aggregate data, it's only an aggregate number, which doesn't tell us the extent of the story. It's one thing that we hope we'll be in a better position to understand. But we know, for example, that part of the explanation might be because of some sectors being much more ICT intensive, thus investing much more in these fields. Whether or not it's because of the scale of the firms, we're not entirely sure yet, but we hope to have better answers in a couple of months from now.