Thank you.
First and foremost, you have to make sure that you have good economic fundamentals. That is critical for firms. Canada fares really well on that front. It's something that firms will always look for.
They also want access to the type of talent they need in order to undertake the R and D they require in order to be innovative and productive. That's one key thing. Canada is recognized as providing the type of talent they require.
There's also a need to make sure that those companies can have access to the type of capital they require in order to grow. On that front, government has invested a significant amount of money in the last few years. In the last initiative announced in the budget, for example, $100 million will be provided by the BDC for companies that will graduate from business incubators to accelerators. A lot of these firms, for example, are in the ICT world.
You talked about computing and mobile. Well, one thing that's important is making sure there's an ecosystem and environment that will be conducive for those firms to grow. For example, in Toronto last year, IBM announced that they'd struck a $250-million partnership with seven universities to look at the issue of data analytics, which a lot of people refer to as “big data”.