That's fine.
Also, earlier, in regard to the ICT investments and the productivity gap, you mentioned that in some sectors Canadian companies spend more and in others they spend less. Do you have data on this that you could provide to the committee? I think I might have seen a graph or something there. I think that would be very useful for us, because it might actually provide some context as to which sectors are doing better than others.
Then in terms of finalizing that study on productivity, even if it comes later than this study itself, I think it would also be very useful for the committee to see it. I say this because the productivity gap that we do have is one of those alarming things and has a number of different causes. Some of it is caused by the ICT investments, while the other reasons have to do with more physical things like gridlock and congestion in cities. All of it has some impact on the larger picture that affects businesses.
Going back to what Mr. Carmichael raised about broadband costs and accessibility, has the cost of broadband actually dropped much for consumers and businesses in the last five years?