We have an arrangement with Environment Canada and with all of the provinces and territories. They can access our system and distribute their public safety messages. On a typical day, we'll get a hundred of so public safety messages from Environment Canada alone. Some of them are just frost warnings. Not all of them are threats to life. If you have our applications on your smart phone, and if there's a warning for Kitchener and you're on the Kitchener city page on our website, or if you're looking at the Kitchener weather, you'll see that warning scrawled across the screen of your computer or your smart phone. We distribute every public safety message that Environment Canada issues. The special aspect of this dissemination system is that we also make it available to anyone in Canada. So any broadcaster can access it and pass on those messages. It's free. We provide the service at no cost to government, and we provide it at no cost to anyone who wants to redistribute those messages.