I think currently we are lagging. Forgetting about population size, because that would be misleading, but just looking at percentages as opposed to real numbers, we have half the online retail penetration that the U.S. has. The most recent numbers that I've seen show that online retail in Canada is growing at about 14.5%. It's about 14% in the U.S. So we're growing faster. That's only been in the last year or so. So there is a little hope there. But I do think we are lagging behind. I think as consumers we should be pushing our favourite stores to sell online.
I use a service called Manpacks that delivers me monthly subscriptions of razors, underwear, and T-shirts. Every month I get a new package of razors, underwear, and T-shirts delivered to my house. That is revolutionizing the way I shop: I don't have to shop any more.
I think as Canadian consumers we should demand those type of things. If a retailer in Canada is having trouble offering free shipping, they should figure out how they can facilitate free shipping and be able to afford that cost. So I think it applies to both sides. As consumers we need to be more demanding of our retailers and our big brands, but as retailers we need to be more innovative.
Canadian Icons can't compete directly with Canada Goose as a corporation because they're the original manufacturer. The difference, however, is that Canada Goose is not going to deliver to you within 90 minutes. So I think innovation and creativity, which makes Canada so great, is exactly what's going to get us in front of the pack.