I'd be happy to.
The concern is there is nothing to stop any business from employing a digital lock. We've seen that in a number of businesses. Many businesses have given it up. You might think back to the music industry that started with digital locks. They thought they needed to lock it down. Consumers, by and large, rebelled and rejected it, and what the industry did was ultimately drop it.
So no one is saying that it isn't open for a business to choose to have a digital lock. Whether we're talking about consumer groups, education groups, the Retail Council of Canada, or many others, the concern they have is that the current proposal in Bill C-11 would effectively mean that the presence of a digital lock would trump many of the other rights that exist within the Copyright Act.
So consumers who purchase a DVD find themselves unable to transfer it from one device to another, and that creates a pretty significant lock.
Earlier this year, when RIM launched the PlayBook, I had the chance to mention this as well when I appeared before the committee studying Bill C-32. I talked out of concern that for people who have invested in a competitor platform—let's say the iPad—the real cost of the device isn't in the device; it's in all the content that, over time, gets accumulated. It's in the e-books, it's in the movies, and the television shows and all the rest of the content you buy.
If what we do is have policies that encourage the use of these digital locks—which, make no mistake, is precisely what Bill C-11 does—then the cost to a consumer transferring content from the iPad to the Canadian PlayBook is increased dramatically because the costs there aren't just in the device. It's now the cost of transferring all that content because the consumer is literally locked out.